Clicking Sounds and Vibrations – Computer making any weird noises
June 3, 2019 — HelpCloud Internal Solution — This would indicate a hardware issue. Noises like clicking, squealing, whirring or whining might come from damaged electronic components. Remove the computer case and let the computer run to see if you can find where the sound is coming from.
Update Date and Time – Windows Vista
June 3, 2019 — HelpCloud Internal Solution — Websites on the internet use your Date and Time to verify your device and the location. So when you have your date and time incorrect, web pages won’t load and typically give you an error saying ”Unable to verify the Data received” or something along …
Turn Off Chrome Notifications: Windows, Pop-ups, Block Ads,
June 3, 2019 — HelpCloud Internal Solution — There are different types of pop-ups a customer can get. This will go over how to change the Chrome Notifications as a pop-up. Typically they appear on the bottom right hand corner of your screen near the date and time. That can be disabled by: chrome …
Update Microsoft Edge
June 3, 2019 — HelpCloud Internal Solution — This Microsoft product does not have a way to update in the browser itself. In order to update Microsoft Edge you’ll need to run Windows updates. To do that select StartType in Windows updatesSelect Check for Updates.
Update Date and Time – Windows 7
June 3, 2019 — HelpCloud Internal Solution — Websites on the internet use your Date and Time to verify your device and the location. So when you have your date and time incorrect, web pages won’t load and typically give you an error saying ”Unable to verify the Data received” or something along …
General Printer Issues
June 3, 2019 — HelpCloud Internal Solution — Sometimes this is all that’s needed to solve a lot of printer issues. If there are any jobs in the queue that can’t be ended, a restart should flush these out. Switch off your printer, unplug it from the PC, plug it back in and power it on. Now try and …
TaskKill Command
June 3, 2019 — HelpCloud Internal Solution — View a list of running tasks using the tasklist command and kill them by name or processor ID using the taskKill command. See this tutorial for further instruction:
Chrome Extension Menu Missing Since Update.
June 3, 2019 — HelpCloud Internal Solution — With the Chrome update Version 59.0.3071.86 (Official Build) (64-bit) they have moved the extension menu. Click the 3 dots in the top right hand corner.Move down to “More Tools”, a sub-menu will pop up. Click “Extensions” to pull up the menu.Tip: you can …
Adding an Email to Mozilla Thunderbird Mail Client
June 3, 2019 — HelpCloud Internal Solution — This link has a step by step guide on adding an email however, if you need the server settings for your mail provider simply type into google your mail provider name and then server settings. For example if you have a gmail account you would search Gmail …
Adding/Removing Taskbar Toolbars
May 31, 2019 — HelpCloud Internal Solution — Download the video below in the lower section under files or select this link to watch how to update these setting’s.